From Hesitation to Meditation

My Yoga Journey

Are you intrigued by yoga but find yourself hesitating to take the plunge? If so, you're not alone. I was in the exact same spot as you many years ago!

I encourage you to take a moment to consider stepping onto the mat because it's where you'll unlock a treasure trove of benefits – spiritual, mental, physical, and intellectual alike.

Even if you've tried yoga before and found it unappealing, this invitation is for you too. That’s how my yoga journey began, and thankfully I went back after the first time I showed up to a yoga studio alongside my husband – baggy shirt and all. I couldn't have felt more uncomfortable as well as confused in my very first class! 

I now firmly believe that yoga is for everyone. What a transformation! With the many styles and teaching approaches available, there's undoubtedly a class that resonates with you. It's simply a matter of exploring and finding what suits you best. 

Approaching yoga, much like any new endeavor, demands patience, dedication and self compassion. Unlike a brisk run, yoga isn't something that comes naturally. Every seasoned yogi began as a beginner, just like you. Through simply showing up on your mat, the practice gradually becomes familiar. There is a learning curve for both your mind and your body. And with yoga, the journey of learning is endless.

Here are some pointers to kickstart your journey:

  • Ease into your practice by starting at home. Explore beginner-friendly yoga classes online.

  • Opt for comfortable, fitted attire. If you prefer looser clothing, ensure it allows for freedom of movement without any wardrobe mishaps.

  • Research studios in your area. Inquire about beginner-oriented courses or workshops, recommended teachers, and class dynamics. Knowledge is empowering and sets the stage for a confident start.

  • Arrive early for your first class. Use this extra time to settle in and familiarize yourself with the environment. Position your mat strategically, allowing for a clear view of the instructor and fellow yogis. No need to be front and center, but don’t hide in the back either. 

  • Be gentle with yourself. Yoga embraces individuals of all backgrounds and abilities. If you need to pause and catch your breath during class, do so with kindness. Remember, the essence of yoga lies in the journey, not the destination.

Embrace this opportunity to breathe, move, and evolve. 

The uncertainty, intimidation, or sense of being overwhelmed can be real obstacles. But fear not! I understand these barriers all too well, which is why I've crafted "Yoga Before the Studio" – a tailored 3-part series that can be personalized for you, whether in person or via Zoom, solo or with friends. This unique private yoga experience is designed to gently introduce you to the world of yoga, its poses, etiquette, and more. 

Your yoga journey awaits – you’ll never regret taking that first step. Let’s do this.


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