Choosing Milk — Part 3

Supporting Social Justice Through Milk Choices

Beyond considerations of health and the environment, our milk choices can also have significant implications for social justice and economic equity.

The proliferation of megadairies poses a threat to small and mid-sized dairy farms, often leading to their closure or financial strain. These smaller operations face challenges competing with large-scale producers who benefit from economies of scale and government subsidies. By opting for organic, grass-fed dairy products sourced from smaller farms, consumers can support local economies and advocate for fair treatment of farmers.

Grass-fed dairy farming typically requires fewer external inputs and labor compared to conventional methods, reducing reliance on exploitative labor practices. Unlike factory farming, which often exploits undocumented immigrants in hazardous working conditions, grass-fed dairy operations prioritize humane treatment of both animals and workers.

Choosing to invest in organic, grass-fed dairy products is not just a matter of personal health or environmental sustainability—it's a tangible way to uplift communities and promote social justice. I sleep better spending extra money supporting people who should be supported. 

By being on the side of the small and medium-sized farmers who are committed to ethical and sustainable practices, we can contribute to a more equitable and compassionate dairy industry. I encourage you to support your local dairy farmers! They are the ones on the ground taking steps to build a better planet. 

Let's strive to make informed choices that reflect our values and have a positive impact on the world around us.

You can take a deep dive by reading (or at least skimming through) this very thorough report on working conditions and exploitation of undocumented immigrants in the dairy industry: THE PRICE OF MILK: DANGERS AND EXPLOITATION IN THE DAIRY INDUSTRY


From Hesitation to Meditation


Choosing Milk — Part 2