The Weight of Stress

Yep… it’s a thing.

Too much stress contributes to a wide range of health problems including heart damage, depression, weight gain/loss, and poor sleep quality. The list goes on!

But you can prevent stress from taking its toll by incorporating some effective tools into your life. Adjustments to your diet, refining some habits, as well as exercising and moving regularly are the places to start - kind of the same old same old for keeping yourself in good physical and mental health.

If weight loss or maintenance is something you’re focused on, it’s important to understand that stress and your metabolism are significantly intertwined. Stress can actually present itself through weight gain and belly fat.

I know, I share your same sentiment: “that sucks”

Some stress in life is normal and actually helpful. It’s the body’s way of keeping us safe. It’s nature’s way of preventing us from heading into unknown territories - literally and figuratively. When we recognize this (and when there’s no chance of physical danger) stress pushes us to a new level or edge. So the next time you’re presented with the same task or whatever caused your stress, remember that you’ve already been there - done that, and there’s very limited (or no) firing of the stress hormones.

This is the benefit of some stress. Think about something that has caused you some stress - public speaking, walking into a party alone, or your first day at a new job. It’s this normal level of stress that propels you forward to achieve growth.

Fight or flight - your primal protection - kicks in when your body senses physical or psychological stress. Hormones, including cortisol, are released. These hormones speed up processes needed for survival while less necessary processes slow down. Yep, you guessed right - your metabolism slows down. Once the stress diminishes, your body craves sugar and fat. This is how frequent or chronic stress (where cortisol levels are elevated too much, too frequently) can wreak havoc on our weight.

The best, but often the most challenging way to manage stress is to remove the source from your life. Since this just might be impossible, you’ll need to rally some self-care to take the emotional temperature down and bring on the calm.

One of my favorite stress management tools is taking a good walk in nature and breathing in fresh air with my favorite four-legged companion. Check out these other excellent suggestions: Stress relievers: Tips to tame stress - Mayo Clinic.

It’s important to find your own personal go-to stress relievers that work for you, so you’re well-prepped to handle whatever comes your way.

The knowledge that “you got this” will help you keep it all in check.

Stress relievers - check!

Book a free Discovery Call with me to explore how you can better manage the stress in your life.


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To have or not to have the Doughnut! William Shakespeare