I’ve Got The Beet

How to seamlessly add this tasty super food into your diet.

In a very casual survey (talking to friends over wine or after yoga), I've discovered that people tend to fall into one of two camps when it comes to beets: they either adore them or despise them. Count me among the beet lovers. I'm so smitten about beets that I roast them regularly, keeping them on hand as a convenient, ready-to-eat snack between meals. For a more traditional approach, I enjoy slicing them—whether raw or roasted—and incorporating them into salads. And don't overlook the beet greens! They pack a nutritional punch, boasting higher iron content than spinach.

Beets are nutritional powerhouses – straight up! They are filled with essential nutrients including potassium, magnesium, fiber, phosphorus, iron, beta-carotene, folic acid, and vitamins A, B, and C.* Beets owe their vibrant red hue to betalains—phytonutrients renowned for their cancer-fighting properties. Even golden beets, with their distinct color, offer comparable nutritional benefits along with a unique set of cancer-fighting compounds. Striving to consume a diverse array of colors—such as those found in red and golden beets—enhances our intake of various vitamins, minerals, and disease-fighting flavonoids and phytonutrients, supporting overall health and vitality.

The best part about beets? They're incredibly easy to prepare, making them even more lovable in my book. I follow a simple roasting method that’s as simple as baking potatoes:

Roasting Beets:

  • Wash the beets gently using a vegetable brush to remove any dirt, being careful to preserve the skin.

  • Pat the beets dry with a towel, ensuring they're mostly dry (a bit of dampness is fine).

  • Individually wrap each beet in aluminum foil.

  • Place the wrapped beets directly on the oven rack, positioning them about one-third from the top.

  • To catch any drippings, position a sheet of foil or a baking sheet on a lower rack.

  • Bake the beets at 375-400°F for approximately 90 minutes, checking for doneness every 30 minutes by gently squeezing them with an oven mitt. They should be mostly tender, a touch firm, akin to a perfectly baked potato.

  • Allow the roasted beets to cool. The skin should easily peel off; if stubborn, use a paper towel to facilitate removal.

One of my favorite ways to enjoy beets is in a refreshing salad featuring romaine, bib or arugula, shredded cabbage, almonds, goat cheese (feta or blue if you prefer), and sliced beets, all drizzled with a homemade balsamic vinaigrette dressing:

Homemade Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing (serves 8):

  • ½ cup extra virgin olive oil

  • ½ cup balsamic vinegar

  • 2 garlic cloves, minced

  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard

  • 1 tsp honey or maple syrup

  • Salt and pepper to taste

Combine the ingredients in a jar or container with a tight-fitting lid, then shake vigorously until emulsified. Drizzle this delish dressing over your salad creation and savor the vibrant flavors of fresh, wholesome ingredients.

Stay tuned for more beet-inspired recipes and wellness tips on my holistic health journey!

If you want more info on Beets, here it is! Why the Beetroot is Our In Season Produce Focus


To have or not to have the Doughnut! William Shakespeare


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